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View Full Version : 19th Annual 2014 York, PA All Breeds Jeep Show

08-05-2014, 01:47 PM
The "All Breeds" jeep show is a large annual Jeep event held in York, PA that covers every imaginable type of Jeep from classic stock flat fender rides to highly modified rock buggies that are hardly recognizable as Jeeps. The show took place the weekend after Jeeplab finished the install of the Prodigy Stage II turbocharger in Jesse’s Girl. With the Prodigy logo fresh on the hood, the Mrs. and I headed up to York to see what we could see and meet fellow jeepers and industry leaders.


York is only about 45 minutes from my house. With coffee in-hand, we headed up there and arrived before it could get cold. The event started early and it was already packed with jeepers. Very cool. There were hundreds of jeeps lined up in the infield for the show and probably 100+ vendors surrounding a Dirt and Rock driving course (mild to wild). I felt like a kid in a candy shop.
I thought I’d share some cool products that I saw and liked for potential possible future use on my rig. These are just some things I found interesting at the show, in no particular order. Things I might never use or afford, but all cool to me.
These guys make custom inlays for your dash with many in-house designs. They will also custom make a dash inlay with your logo or graphics…hell..even a family picture. Pretty cool. Here is one they made for JCR.


I’m thinking I could do something tan like my interior and wheels for the solid color and who-knows-what for the upper portion. Just seems fun, and not too bad at about $125 for something custom.

08-05-2014, 02:17 PM
I found a cool website that had representatives there. The site was called younto. Its basically a website for outdoorsy people to figure out what to do outdoors, product reviews, wheeling locations, all kinds of guy stuff. Maybe google that if you’re bored.


The AMSOIL table there was interesting – lots of additives and things I didn’t pay a ton of attention to. BUT, they make good synthetics (or so I’ve read/heard) and they were giving out coupons for future purchases. Had to pick one up so that I can try it in the future and see how it stacks up to Mobil1.


I spent a lot of time talking with the Genright guys as they make some interesting products. I really (really) like their rock sliders. I was trying to figure out if they could be modified to work with my Metalcloak fenders. At minimum, they would require some modification front and rear where my Metalcloak body armor hits the body. They are a very clean look. Some companies’ sliders are downright ugly. These would be clean AND functional with black powdercoat.


08-06-2014, 10:48 AM
Factor 55 Prolink and Hawse Fairlead. These little guys are beastly. 6000 series aluminum. Tested to the max. You could hang your jeep from these! Makes for much safer recovery. The gray finish in the picture is their military grade coating – much like a weapons coating. Very durable and wear resistant. Bought both a fairlead and a prolink at the show.


These were some no-name CREE spotlights. I really just liked the form factor. I’ll stick with my ENGO lights but these had an interesting way the mount allowed the lights to both tilt up and down, and additionally move higher or lower.



Rockstar even had a cool trailer with all kinds of RC cars from 1/5 scale to 1/18th scale rc rock crawlers. They even had a test course set up with 5 crawlers available to run. I have to say I had to get in line and try them out. RC Crawling is fun…


08-06-2014, 01:29 PM
Considering I had just gone turbo the weekend before the event, I was curious about any products that would assist with engine cooling. My JK runs normal temperatures with normal driving, but you can’t be too cool right? Well this company, Mishimoto makes radiators and oil coolers for JKs. The radiators are something like 60% thicker for more effective cooling. Oh yeah, they also have a sick lifetime warranty. The reps there said even if you break it wheeling they will warranty it. Seems far fetched, but they were confident in their product.




Some “solid” diff covers by Solid..These things are ultra heavy duty and appeared indestructible. I wouldn’t mind coming across a set of these from santa. They are pretty well reviewed.


08-06-2014, 04:05 PM
I like the pro link. they are sooooooo expensive tho. Its a $130 hook.

08-06-2014, 04:26 PM
The Genright gear is really nice. Ive never seen it up close. They also make carbon fiber flares. I'd LOVE to get my hands on them. Super Light.

08-07-2014, 07:16 AM
The Genright gear is really nice. Ive never seen it up close. They also make carbon fiber flares. I'd LOVE to get my hands on them. Super Light.

I'd be interested to see how they hold up under use off-road.

08-07-2014, 10:53 AM
The radiators are something like 60% thicker for more effective cooling.

Is there room for a thicker radiator along with the intercooler?

I really don't think there will be any cooling issues caused by the turbo. The turbo, exhaust pipes, and cylinders in the engine only experience above normal temperatures when you're on boost. When idling, driving normally, crawling around, etc., the turbo and related pipes only get as hot as exhaust pipes would normally get. The turbo kit also gets rid of the two catalytic converters in the engine compartment (those get HOT!).

When off-road, you will only be on boost for short spurts, if at all. If you take advantage of lower transmission gears (and 4LO if necessary) to keep rpms in the mid-range, then you really won't be loading up the engine enough to create boost very often.

On-road, the turbo system is designed to cruise off-boost (in vacuum), so you'll only have extra heat temporarily when accelerating. Maybe it could be a concern in mountainous areas with long continuous inclines on the road? Then again, maybe you should be in a lower transmission gear to avoid loading up the engine so much for a long continuous period of time.

08-07-2014, 12:21 PM
Is there room for a thicker radiator along with the intercooler?

Yes..there is room. If my radiator goes up or is damaged one of these days, I would 100%, without a doubt, replace it with the best product for the money. The Mishimoto radiators get really good reviews across several automotive segments. Plus..just look at it!

08-07-2014, 12:43 PM
So being where I am, most of the local off road parks have a lot of water crossing and/or mud involved. This begs the snorkel question..how does one have a snorkel and forced induction and still move enough air. Riverraider showed me how they solved the problem with a RIPP system. They added internal sealed filter housing near the back of the engine bay just south of the air intake, right after the elbow that heads up and out of the cowl.



This is VERY high on my want list – from rock hard 4x4. Their bolt-in front unit converts our stock “sport bars” to fairly effective cages. They mount from the factory bar forward. You have to do some cutting, but all of it is fairly minimal and its for safety. Cooooool product. Nice it integrates handles – the most popular current handles are over $100…so that saves a few bucks.



08-08-2014, 11:46 AM
On attendee brought an old military quarter ton trailer. I'd love to have one of these that I could modify and match to my rig. They are few and far in between but I'd definitely pick one up at the right price and turn it into a camping rig. My 2 door has very little room for cargo if you have any rear seat passenger.


How about some beadlocks…I these are definitely on my long term list. These two-piece beadlocks are nice. Cool cutaway too. The cost is high..but so is the cost of a bead failure on the trail.


08-08-2014, 12:15 PM
One of the massively popular events at the show was a chance to hop onto Metalcloak’s new Corner Travel Index Trailer. CTI is an arguably better way to measure a vehicle’s ability to articulate to an extreme. You can’t really cheat CTI as you can RTI and no driver error can have bad results since you’re not in motion up a ramp. Pretty cool.
Once everyone figured out how cool it was to get up there and flex, the lines got massive. The plan was that everyone’s scores would be posted on a chart for all to see. The line but moved pretty quickly. That little red topped tent in the distance was Metalcloak:



Almost there!


08-08-2014, 12:17 PM
My 2 door has very little room for cargo if you have any rear seat passenger.

I just dealt with the same problem. Had to figure out how to get my 2-door jeep, family of four, and camping gear/luggage across the state to Silver Lake Sand Dunes.

I got lucky and found this custom enclosed trailer on craigslist for $500:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10352976_10204507530118283_4555411878526024792_n.j pg?oh=deef10ca0f2fc19c0849141c93b84295&oe=5466147B&__gda__=1417390031_5b50ee996e2176e64a556dd3c8fdec9 c

It even has tail lights from a 1989 Wrangler :)

08-08-2014, 12:52 PM
I just dealt with the same problem. Had to figure out how to get my 2-door jeep, family of four, and camping gear/luggage across the state to Silver Lake Sand Dunes.

I got lucky and found this custom enclosed trailer on craigslist for $500:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10352976_10204507530118283_4555411878526024792_n.j pg?oh=deef10ca0f2fc19c0849141c93b84295&oe=5466147B&__gda__=1417390031_5b50ee996e2176e64a556dd3c8fdec9 c

It even has tail lights from a 1989 Wrangler :)

Excellent! That is the gist of what I would want to achieve, at least functionally. I would probably block the springs and tow mine more level since I'm lifted but that's basically it. Currently, I'm lucky if I can get things behind the seat, like groceries!

08-08-2014, 01:16 PM
So I finally Jesse’s Girl on the ramp and start getting jacked up. I get a bit flexed and Matson from Metalcloak does a quick walk-around of my system looking for limitations and spots that bind up, to offer suggestions for more flex. One guy was kind enough to take some pictures for me while I was on the ramp.



There was a huge crowd of folks just sitting watching jeep after jeep run on the CTI machine. One passerby noticed the six-pack shocks on my jeep, and having not seen them before I did some inadvertent Metalclock promotion explaining how the shorter shock body gave additional up-travel compared to a normal shock.


Matson asked for a couple shots of JG and the MC Tent so I took a few. It was really cool hanging out with the guy behind the system and getting some pointers on how to make it work better off-road.



08-09-2014, 12:26 PM
Now we are getting somewhere.

How did JG do vs the other trucks on the CTI machine? I hope matson hugged you. Everything he makes is on that truck.

08-10-2014, 11:55 PM
About he rails:

08-11-2014, 10:47 AM
Now we are getting somewhere.

How did JG do vs the other trucks on the CTI machine? I hope matson hugged you. Everything he makes is on that truck.

JG did just as well as set up as many of the highly modified JKs. Keep in mind that the gamechanger is a mid-arm system that flexs as well as most long-arm systems.

The main take-way from Matson (sadly, I didn't get a hug) was his inspection of my ride and confirmation of my previous thoughts that i needed to remove a complete section of bump-stop front and rear. I'm at the recommened-first-setup of 3 bumpstop sections. When I'm on the bumps, I have a ton of room in the rear left to travel and a bit in the front (very tight because of my not quite enough wheel offset). I plan to remove a section in the rear first and then in the front and then record my CTI score.

With 35s instead of 37s, the gamechanger system gets amazing CTI scores. The 37s do serve as the limiting factor with up-travel..but I love my 37KM2s dearly.

08-11-2014, 10:58 AM
About he rails:

Very cool - as long ast it prints to exact scale, those templates are great. I didn't know MC made one until you pointed it out. Thanks.

08-11-2014, 03:31 PM
So I finally Jesse’s Girl on the ramp and start getting jacked up. I get a bit flexed and Matson from Metalcloak does a quick walk-around of my system looking for limitations and spots that bind up, to offer suggestions for more flex. One guy was kind enough to take some pictures for me while I was on the ramp.



There was a huge crowd of folks just sitting watching jeep after jeep run on the CTI machine. One passerby noticed the six-pack shocks on my jeep, and having not seen them before I did some inadvertent Metalclock promotion explaining how the shorter shock body gave additional up-travel compared to a normal shock.


Matson asked for a couple shots of JG and the MC Tent so I took a few. It was really cool hanging out with the guy behind the system and getting some pointers on how to make it work better off-road.



that RKsport hood is NUTTY.