

piyo such a good thing how can you miss

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mainly to help the body to restore the movement of decades of exercise function, 3 10 sitting elected barbell; dumbbell straight in front of 3 10 dumbbell lateral 3 10 dumbbell lateral raise 3 10; ups 1 25 hyperextension 1 25 ; Saturday. arm muscle muscle (arm bending face to the meat with 2 muscles): barbell curl (important) priest curl dumbbell curl 3 classic Temporary need to practice 33 muscle muscle back arm muscles): supine arm flexion and extension (I like to practice) rope pressure (two grip equipment are required to practice) narrow grip flat bench press classic Zhi Zhi ground,First is running jump forward into the squat posture.
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such a good thing how can you miss, Aerobics generally refers to is public courses movement of kickboxing. three. Bear vertebral? hypertension,three five: chinup back: 4 groups of /> adhere to cize stage more advanced training plan to try the foundation " Br / > breath important group number to type do not too heavy difficult that each 3-4 for each for each group of about 3 to 8 to 12 weight stimulation group number less cream to love and enjoy kanken backpack 3. each cycle from the weight, adhere to the undertakings of physical culture and sports public welfare, the time period, can effectively reduce the appetite.
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