Last reply, and then I'm off this topic of hand placement for safety, it's just too silly to even argue about, and it doesn't help me with my desire of flipping the speedo to the right side.

If we are going to go down this road, then might as well get back to what the German's were doing years ago, and not put cup holders in the vehicles and not put controls on the steering wheel and/or ANYTHING else in the vehicle that could potentially put any part of your body in the wrong position during a crash (ie. EVERYTHING but the steering wheel with hands positioned correctly!) Your argument reminds me one time of my mom telling me to "thoroughly wash that apple because of all the pesticides on it" to which I looked at her, set down the apple and grabbed the brownie on the plate next to it instead... She never commented on those nasty "pesticides" again. Ooooh, and BTW... When I drive with my "hand on top" of the steering wheel, I rest my elbow on the left door sill, so my "arm" isn't even in front of the air bag. BOOM! Take dat! Seriously, who drives with their hand on top of the steering wheel and their arm in front of the air bag? That would just be awkward. You'd have to have your arm tucked into your stomach just to position it in front of the air bag.

I truly believe the best solution is to avoid the accident in the first place by having your eyes up and looking out the window. Those 15 MPH accidents you refer to are often the result of distractions in the cab, not of drivers actively looking out the window and driving defensively. Putting the speedo on the right, along with the fuel gauge on the right, helps to reduce heads-down time.

Okay, I'm done with this safety debate, this doesn't have ANYTHING to do with my original question. So basically I'm gathering that from your experience that you don't believe swapping the speedo/tach can be done?