As a software engineer that deals with customer enhancement requests, I never simply answer the exact question as it is asked. I try to dig deeper, find the root cause of the problem, and find the best solution to the problem.

Your root problem is that your hand is blocking your view of the speedometer.

I offered a solution to your problem (don't put your hand in the way of viewing the speedometer, grip the left side of the steering wheel) that is simple, free, avoids custom reconfiguring of your dashboard, and also happens to be the recommended hand placement based of accident studies to reduce chance of injury (bonus!).

You're right when you said that it is a solution to a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place. You are the one that created the problem by putting your hand in the way. I think you are looking for a solution for a problem that doesn't exist (speedo being in the "wrong" place).

I doubt you will find anyone with experience in trying to swap the speedo and tachometer, because it's not a problem that needs to be solved. If you insist on placing your hand between your eyes and the speedometer and that the only solution is to move the speedometer, then please be the first to dig into it, make it happen, and post a write-up here.