SMALL update.

I JUST put a relay switch in-line with the AMP head power and connected it up to my SwitchPro's 8100 8-switch system and now I can disable the Power Amp steps with the push of the button. I've found that when I go out mudding that if you prevent the steps from retracting while they are caked in mud that they will perform much better when you get home and spray them off before using them again. When they are constantly going up and down while caked with mud, too much mud gets in to all the moving parts and can stop them from functioning correctly. Previously I was pulling the fuse prior to going mudding to disable the steps. I always wanted a way to disable the steps via a button inside the Jeep so I don't even have to open up the hood. Now I finally have that. My next upgrade is going to be either using my SwitchPro's switch or another dedicated toggle button to toggle the input source between the door signaling versus the dome lights. That will make it easier when I take the doors on and off as then I can just toggle the switch to use whichever input I desire instead of having to physically re-wire the signaling from the door vs. dome light.