Quote Originally Posted by 2k13jk View Post
I still dont under stand why you guys are messing with 'canned' tunes still.
Because the "canned" tune from Prodigy is intended to be good, and this is supposed to be a complete kit that does not require additional custom tuning.

Because I don't have money to spend on a custom tune from a local tuner. I'm saving for wheels and tires and gears and... etc.

Because Prodigy will continue to improve the tune over time, and those improvements are available to me for free, rather than requiring me to spend more money on additional dyno/tuning time at a local shop if I come across something that needs some more fine-tuning.

Because a custom tune done by a local shop in a day or two cannot possibly be calibrated to handle variations in temperature, humidity, elevation, gears, tire size, etc. It will only be a fairly quick tune to handle the current configuration of my Jeep well. I don't want to have to pay for a new custom tune when I upgrade tires/gears/etc. I also want my Jeep to run flawlessly if I take a trip to another part of the country with much different elevation, etc.

Because Prodigy is much less likely to support any future issues I run into if I'm running a non-standard tune. I don't want to get into a situation where Prodigy blames the tune for a problem, then I have to work it out with the shop that built my tune.

Because Prodigy is building its tunes based on feedback from many people that drive in different ways, with different mods, in different environments, to build up an OEM-level tune that handles all the different altitudes, engine loads due to different tires/gears etc. The feedback I provide will make the tune better for many other people at no cost to them. The feedback that other people provide will improve things for me that I didn't even identify as something needing improvement, at no cost to me.

The stock tune for the Jeep works for everyone. You don't have to take your brand new Jeep off the lot straight to a tuner to get it custom tuned for local conditions, or whenever you change tires/gears. A tune CAN be built that works very well for everyone. It's just a lot more effort to get all the parameters and lookup tables properly calibrated so that the correct outcome is calculated under varying conditions.

A tune from a local shop may be the quickest route to a good tune right now, but in the long run, the tune from Prodigy should overall better, fine-tuned, more versatile (tolerant to changes), and well-supported by people that know this particular turbo system inside and out.