I've built a lot of engines thru the years. Turbo, 10-71 roots, Maggie's and vortecs. They all make power in different ways. I have had operators who really knew their stuff and those that shouldn't be allowed near a dyno. It is going to be hard to get a baseline that is exactly like Ross's first one since all jeeps will be slightly different due to the nature of the adaptive computer. If a guy drives real easy the computer learns his habits and adjusts for him. If you put it on a dyno and compare it to a guy who is a speed demon it will read different. Also there is the correction factors. When we dynoed my Nitrous Suzuki M109. We played with the factors a bit. We were able to get 190 hp at the rear tire. The correct reading was 167 hp. That was with hitting it just right and lots of cool air from the blowers. So many differences here. Ross has done an incredible job of trying to keep a level playing field. The problem is life is not level and dynos are different just as the operators are. But one Heck of a job so far guys.