My personal experience is all subjective, so it's not a valid basis for comparison. Butt dynos are much less trustworthy than real dynos. Starting around 3000 rpm, it goes fast, makes cool noises, and makes me smile. How fast is fast? Faster than stock is all I can tell you. Is it faster than RIPP or Magnuson? I have no idea. I haven't even seen one of their kits in person. Is it fast enough to make you smile? I wouldn't know.

That's why we use tools (dynos) to measure objective representations of performance (torque/power curves). If the tools are standardized and used consistently, then you get consistent and comparable results. We have seen inconsistent results at this point and are trying to figure out the cause inconsistency so it can be corrected to ensure that we have results that are consistent and comparable to other dyno results (stock, RIPP and Magnuson).