Quote Originally Posted by JeepLab View Post
Now we are getting somewhere.

How did JG do vs the other trucks on the CTI machine? I hope matson hugged you. Everything he makes is on that truck.
JG did just as well as set up as many of the highly modified JKs. Keep in mind that the gamechanger is a mid-arm system that flexs as well as most long-arm systems.

The main take-way from Matson (sadly, I didn't get a hug) was his inspection of my ride and confirmation of my previous thoughts that i needed to remove a complete section of bump-stop front and rear. I'm at the recommened-first-setup of 3 bumpstop sections. When I'm on the bumps, I have a ton of room in the rear left to travel and a bit in the front (very tight because of my not quite enough wheel offset). I plan to remove a section in the rear first and then in the front and then record my CTI score.

With 35s instead of 37s, the gamechanger system gets amazing CTI scores. The 37s do serve as the limiting factor with up-travel..but I love my 37KM2s dearly.