Oooh, I like this unit even more now!!!

Me to InSane peeps -> "Does your unit do auto-volume control?"

InSane Peeps -> "Thanks for your interest in Insane Audio’s JK1001!

With respect to the auto-volume control… that’s a good suggestion. One of the best things about the JK1001 is the fact that we built it on the Android operating system so it’s very easy to customize and add apps and such. One of the first things we’d suggest is to see if something already exists out there in the Google Play store. The last time we checked, there were something like 1.3 million apps out there… so I wouldn’t be surprised if one already existed!

Great suggestion and we’ll see ‘ya on the trail!"

So I checked the Google Play, and sure enough, there are tons of auto-volume control apps! Duh! This is an android powered head unit, I was thinking in the stone age, like MyGig 430N stone age.

So, who wants to buy a MyGig 430N unit for their rig, complete with NavTV? I just had one come up for sale. Any takers?