Quote Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Maybe a dumb question, but how is RIPP dealing with this? They seem to pride themselves on having a perfectly driveable vehicle, so certainly they have had to struggle with the exact same transmission and come out the other side with an answer. I really would look to RIPP and Magnuson for a solution and not go off track trying to find your own. They have just as much, if not more, of a vested interest in trying to get the transmission to work correctly as you guys do.
I don't know how RIPP does it with the autos. I totally agree with you about Magnuson having a vested interest in a good result. We are just on different timetables. I want my truck to work. . . like now. Mag will be happy if my truck works. . . um. . . eventually. BTW i find that patience has an inverse relationship to purchase price. At six grand my clock runs kinda short.

Seriously though, I stay in touch with Magnuson and I share everything that I learn with them. They have been very responsive. In fact, just today I learned that there is a shop in Virginia called Arrington Performance that has proprietary software to calibrate our NAG-1 auto transmissions computers. I personally spoke with the calibration shop there and a tuner who said he can help. They don't get much 4WD business and don't see a broad market for Wrangler TCU calibration. I gave the information to Magnuson and asked if they'd ever heard of Arrington and whether or not Mag would consider teaming up with them to generate a solution for us. I'm waiting to hear back. But I wouldn't have found them without first speaking to the guys who make stand along TCUs who put me in touch with a shop in Washington State that specializes in stand along NAG-1 control. The Washington shop, Sound German Performance, talked to me for over 20 minutes (and we're not done speaking yet). At the end they told me about Arrington and said that us Jeep guys would probably be better with a shop that can get into the stock TCU and calibrate the trans. I was unaware that such capability exists. It may turn out to be a dead end.

I will stay in touch with Sound German Performance because they are working on a add-on TCU that can integrate with a factory TCU and perhaps sometime next year we auto trans guys may have the ability to select a trail calibration and really let the superchargers do their thing off road!