First you post a new thread simply stating that the secret to more power is diesel... without backing up the claim at all, or elaborating on it at all.

Then you rant about how there do exist diesel engines that make a lot of power, so therefore your statement was correct. None of them were applicable to the Wrangler.

Then you go back and modify your original post AFTER plenty of discussion has happened with something that actually is relevant to the Wrangler and deisel, making Timmy's initial response look somewhat idiotic (slick move there!).

So now your first post here essentially says "the secret to more power is a $21k engine swap on the Wrangler that actually has LESS horsepower than the stock Wrangler". So the secret to more power is less power?

I call you out on that and your response is a giant diesel engine that probably weighs as much as my entire Jeep and is nearly the size of my Jeep. Seriously... could you at least TRY to stay relevant? Who the f**k cares that a giant "largest motor ever built for a semi truck" can produce a metric shit-ton of power/torque? In case you haven't noticed, this is a Jeep Wrangler forum. That engine is never going into a Wrangler, so it has absolutely no relevance to a discussion of adding more power on a Wrangler forum.