Yep you know its my creedo, cut the weight EVERYWHERE you can.
This is an email I got today.
Hey Ross, I sold my turbo dozer jeep this past Sat..sad to see her go. but now im starting to put plans for a new build. 15 rubicon and id like to go the route you went being as light as possible. What other wheel option should i look for as far as the weight, i know weld has the lightest weight but what other wheels would you recommend, being weld racing my first choice what would you go for 2nd and 3rd. Thanks bro.
Here is the answer.
When it comes to wheels, You pay a LOT to save a little weight. Weld (25lbs) and PM truck wheels (sub 30lbs) are my picks for really light wheels. The welds I had were 2 pieces, (Weld T58) the PM Truck wheels were one piece, and were a little heaver.
I think a one piece forged wheel is stronger, so you have to decide how hard you plan to wheel it.
Cost - You are going to pay thru the nose for either Weld or PM Truck wheels. If you have the pockets for either of them, I say go for it. If not, I say DO NOT go half way. Spending $400 per wheel for something thats heavier than weld or PM Truck (those brands are $500 plus) is stupid.
Either you go all the way, or get something like Ultra wheels, ($120per) you can find them on tirerack and they are not much heavier than 30lbs or maybe they are at 30lbs and thats close enough, and the cost will be a fraction of the cost for the big boys. Also, if you scrape them won't cry later.
Ross when you were first researching your wheels I had just bought a set of Interco birddogs. I mentioned them at the time, but had not had them long enough to endorse them. Now, they wear my seal of approval! They are not the flashiest shoes on the market, but have delivered on all their promises. They are of an alloy construction weighing in a 28 pounds a piece. They are under $200 USD each, and after dozens of runs at 3psi, I have yet to loose a bead. Pay close attention to that last part cause that's what theses things were designed for; not to look great at the mall. While not a dedicated beadlock (one of which both costs and weighs considerably more,) the Birddog is purpose built to retain the bead in all but the most ridiculous of situations. I am harder on my Jeep than anyone I know and I have continued to drop air pressure each time out trying to induce failure. It hasn't happened yet!
All that to say, if guys are looking at light weight options for Jeep wheels you owe it to yourself to at least Google the Birddog. If you can tolerate the appearance there may not be a more well rounded wheel out there. Personally, I love the look of them but most of the feedback I've got has been "those work awesome, to bad they're so ugly"
i love the tiger stripes,
I havent seen BB in a while, the pic further up is sexy.
OH yea. Weld Racing Wheels on BB, classic.
My method beadlocks came in at 32 lb per wheel. On one of my few posts, I had mentioned that and I believe JeepLab contacted them and confirmed it. And the price ain't bad either.
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