Heres a stupid little update, but at least it's something.

I'm tuned via the Superchips Traildash. My problem was that the '12+ have stupid dash mounts - the 07-11 were much cleaner. Also, I do want to leave my vehicle doorless in the summer and it's a quick grab. Not that it's much use to anyone else, I still didn't like that.

Since I have no use for a rear view mirror, and the traildash will be getting a backup camera and acting like my rear view mirror.. this is what I did:

Rear view mirror and trail dash mount

Taken apart

The ball on the traildash is smaller than the one on the mirror, to overcome this I simply used double sided 3M tape to make a greater width.

Tidied up


The cable fit TIGHT against the window since it's a straight plug and not a 90*, but it was a simple run and the length was perfect. It's out of the way, doesn't take up any more space, and I can take it down as I please. Looking forward to running the rear view camera for better safety backing up - having the tire mounted the way it is negates any use of the mirror.