Have I done something wrong in this forum? I posted my experiences in a discussion thread comparing two supercharger systems. I asked some questions about the two systems being compared to generate further discussion and perhaps some more information that readers could use when comparing them. I also asked about some specific issues related to the system I purchased.

Your reply implies that I'm inappropriately asking whether the two companies making the superchargers support their products with updates. I honestly and truly have no idea how your companies work. I don't mean to be naive but perhaps I am misreading your analogy because it seems negative to accept around $6,000 from someone and then leave them with a sick condition until they ask for "medicine."

RIPP vs. Magnuson isn't about only a line on a dyno chart. The comparison also includes product support, customer service, ease of install, overall performance, dyno results, general coolness factor (which I think RIPP wins hands down!) and the other items Jeeplab writes about.
This is my fault for using a poor analogy. I apologize for coming across that way. We constantly try to update and provide the best product possible. In the matter of emailing notifications, we will re-examine the process of keeping an up to date database as per your suggestion. I truly didn't mean to put you on defense with my answer and we always try to provide the best information to all jeepers, whether they have our products or not. I apologize again, and no, you didn't say anything wrong at all.