Please do yourself a favor.
Please go see your doctor immediately.
In my state you have to go to the dr within a certain number of days for legal purposes.
I was T-Boned in December 2013, I was sore immediately, eventually MRI's showed herniations in cervical 2-3,3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 & thorasic 1.
I had 4 level fusion of c3-4 through T-1. Very expensive operation.
Lumbar is herniated in a bunch of places as well.
I am still recovering & ten months later & still not back at work yet.
Even though initially I knew I was hurt, I had no idea of how bad or how much it was going to affect the rest of my life.
Please protect you & your family & get checked by your dr. Immediately.

I strongly urge every one to get disability insurance for as much as you are allowed to get.
It has kept us from going bankrupt.
Even though the other person is 100% at fault for the accident, I am still have to pay co payments, household bills, dr bills, the list is seemingly endless.
All the best!