If designed reasonably, there shouldn't be much noticeable lag. The infamy of turbo lag comes from large turbos on small engines used to produce huge power at high RPMs. Prodigy seems to have targeted more to the mid-range RPMs for the 3.8, and I'd expect they'll do something similar for the 3.6. Since the 3.6 is already stronger in higher RPMs in stock form than the 3.8, they may have even been able to target slightly lower RPMs for peak turbo efficiency on the 3.6 while still hitting impressive peak power numbers.

Based on general torque curve shapes, I think the turbo will "feel" kind of like the RIPP centrifugal supercharger in the lower half of the RPM range in that torque gains will ramp up, but it will ramp up much more quickly. In the upper half, it will "feel" kind of like the Magnuson roots style supercharger in that it will be steady strong (relatively constant) torque all the way through, except it will be quite a bit more than the Magnuson. Kind of a hybrid between the two supercharger types.

Is it there yet? Is it there yet? I can't stand the suspense!