I just noticed something interesting...

Here's a picture of the turbo from the 3.8 kit:

source: http://www.jk-forum.com/forums/modif...-3-8-a-269333/

Now here's a picture of the turbo from the 3.6 kit (from Prodigy's facebook page):

Those are "anti-surge" ports. From what I've read about them, they essentially give the turbo the ability to operate over a wider range of conditions (combinations of flow rate and turbine speed). If you know what a "compressor map" is, then "anti-surge" ports move the "surge line" further left on the map.

I think what this could possibly mean is that the large "bump" in torque on the torque chart could be a little more spread out across a wider RPM range on the 3.6 kit when compared to the 3.8 kit, maybe leading to better gains at lower RPMs?

I just want to see the dyno chart