I am expecting an intake and exhaust to make a drastic difference in sound. To the layperson, I'm not sure you would even here the supercharger.
2nd dyno chart for magnuson
Now, about the chart I posted,
Magnuson told me to bring it to 6100 rpm. We took it to 6500.
Here's what I want you to see.... there is no "crest".
The power line keeps going, What that says is that this unit has more firepower than this dyno is showing. The mechanics wanted us to take it to 7k, but I wouldnt let them with the truck not belonging to me.
Pete was standing right there, and seemed like he wasnt against taking it further, but had something gone wrong i wouldnt have forgiven myself.
He LOVES his jeep more than anyone I know, and Im a guy who LOVES his Jeep.
No one here is taking their truck past 6500 regardless.
What I like -
That torque curve is very strong, and its consistant, when you check the prior dyno, its the same line.
What I dont like -
Anyone who buys this unit should consider an intake, Im going to put on on Sweet Pea, because I think the stock intake is -
1. air constrictive.
2. kills the sound that pentastar makes.
Right now Sweet Pea sounds far more "polite" than betty, but would she scream with the intake on? Get the plastic cover off her mouth. I'm pretty sure the difference would be night vs. day.
Ill get one on and sound bite it.
Then the question will be....what does she dyno at with the intake's less restrictive air flow?.......
I am expecting an intake and exhaust to make a drastic difference in sound. To the layperson, I'm not sure you would even here the supercharger.
Agreed on both accounts.
I think an intake will change the sound significantly.
I only use my rubi as a off road or towing rig, the ripp jku sport is the dd. Gears will be done at the same time as sc install. Stock 4.10s now. It's a heavy jku with fab fours(ff)front lifestyle full bumperw/ grill guard, winch, ff rear bumper and tire carrier, and ff rocker guards, interior is linexed. Metal flares in near future. Hard top. And I have a 10ft high side trailer that I load with ranked wood, and have to cross three steep graded/ low speed mountains to get from my land to my house. No interstate ever.
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......yeah, that didn't work
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