Your right, the laws here are different, if you mod the car out of the OEM spec then its your responsbility.
They claim that its due to the extra stress caused by the turbo that caused it, and that if it was a standard engin it would have not gotten that bad and all that would have been done is refilling with the correct amount of oil and thats it.
It all comes down to how much time im willing to loose to chase the issue, and where can i get an approved independant expert that has an idea of how involved the turbo is on a JK. Not sure how things go there, but here it could be a long process.
What i could have done is to have removed the turbo and then took it to them, but to me thats unethical and i would be cheating my self of knowing what went wrong, if it was the turbo that contributed to the growth of the issue than be it. I love my turbo its realy fun to drive.
Im just a little bit more carefull with whats going in and out of the car.
Its a fresh start for me now and im just focused on getting it right, and im fortunate that in this forum there is a lot of help as well as the support im getting from Prodigy.
my advise its less expensive to check your oil that to replace the engin... Lol